heyya~ its 2:45 a.m already and im still awake. Why? because there were english literature homework that i need to present on wednesday T_T nervous sangatt. everything were be done dah actually. tapi kene tambah setting and a few things also nak salin untuk geng2 present aku ni. This is ULBS. so thats why la aku nebess. we have to speak in English and have to present the literature without reading. english wa broken kotttt! grr -,-
semalam pulak (monday), i went to Petra after sch to show some of them about account's folio which was supposed to be send last year. im pity on them because there were another one folio that we must do on this April. agak memeningkan kepala aku bila diorang punya tak sama ngan aku punya. diorang ada Diskaun diterima and aku pulak ada Pulangan. its different. start dari sabtu pii library semata2 untuk akaun and semalam baru settle. tu pun azma punye aje. Ecah, Wani and Ana tuu aku taktau citer. hoping that everything will be alright sbb taktau bile lagi boleh jumpe diorg tgkkn bende tu.
balik je sekolah, terus makan and lipat baju and mandi. tu pun balik dah pukul 6. 6 something sampai rumah. Penat GILAAAAAAA~ lepastu, tidur dan bangun dan tidur dan bangun dan tidur dan bangun. T_T
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whose baby is this? ;D |
sooooooooooooo sleepy~ sakit kepala woi bangun tidur bangun tidur ni >_< stress!
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hoping it will end fastly -,- |